School Guidelines

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Our Rules & Regulations

Parents are encouraged to ensure that children are decently dressed. Children are not permitted to wear unnecessary form of costume jewellery in the school.

All forms of cosmetics are discouraged eg bright nail polish. Clear nail polish is acceptable when used for health reasons.

Lost property is taken care of and any claim should be channeled through the Headteacher’s office. In this regard clear labelling of all clothing/property is strongly recommended. Unclaimed clothing/property is recycled through the school or is donated to a local charity.

Under no circumstances should children be given money because they don’t need it at all at school.

Money which is brought to school for a specific purpose should be enclosed in a clearly marked and sealed envelope showing the child’s name, class, amount enclosed and purpose and handed over to the Head teacher’s office.

Students do not require these at school. In the case of an emergency situation the school line shall be used.

Interviews for Nursery - P6 are currently ongoing

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