My name is Asiimwe Brianna . I am in Primary six at St. Catherine Junior School, In 1st term, we have sports day competitions like; Netball, Football etc. We learn new skills ,we learn the rules of a sport .In St Catherine Junior School, we participate according to your house ;Julius Nyerere [green], Eistein Albert [blue], Nelson Mandella[red], Mahatma Ghandi[yellow], Martin Luther King[orange]. But on sports day only one house wins.
My name is Nassuna Myrandah Zhaneta. I am in Primary Six Dove at St Catherine Junior School. In first term, we always have sports day. On sports day, we have marching, running, bottle filling, balloon bursting etc. In my school, we have houses like Desmond Tutu,[pink] ,Julius Nyerere [green] ,Nelson Mandela[red] ,Mahatma Ghandi[yellow] , Eistein Albert[blue] ,Martin Luther King[orange]. Iam in Julius Nyerere and I participated in this sports activities.
My name is Nagemi Betina Florence .I am in Primary six Dove and I am talking about sports day. Sports day is held every end of first term. Sports is the best activity in first term because many students discover their talents e.g ; swimming ,running, playing football ,netball and many others . During the day, we have marching , athletics . I love marching. We march smartly dressed in our sports wear according to our houses which are Eisten Albert ,Nelson Mandela ,Desmond Tutu ,Julius Nyerere ,Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King. I am in Eistein Albert .Thanks to the director.
My name is Lejoruku Anthony. I am in Primary six Dove. I am 12 years old at St. Catherine Junior School. Here in at school we have sports day at the end of first term every year. We have games like football, volleyball, netball, basketball, table tenis, badminton, swimming, scrabble, and we do participate in our colors which are Eistein Albert, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Julius Nyerere, Desmond Tutu and Martin Luther King. I hope and pray that my house Eistein Albert will win so that we get a bull as our reward. God bless you all.
My name is Mukooza Wisdom Jonathan .I am 11 years old , I am in Primary six Dove at St. Catherine Junior School. We usually have *Sports Day* every end of first term. During the event , we have games like running, bottle filling etc. Before the wonderful events take place ,we have Inter-house competitions among our different houses which are: Eistein Albert, Mahatma Ghandi, Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Desmond Tutu .These houses all have participants who involve themselves in different games like football, netball, badminton etc. The points got from each game are added on the final day. Then the house with more points wins .I like sports because it helps pupils like me to exercise in different activities.
My name is ANYANZO ANGELLA DANIELLA. I am in Primary six at St. Catherine Junior School. Every end of first term, Sports Day is held in our school . There are six houses that are Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi, Desmond Tutu and Einstein Albert. On sports day we carryout activities like marching, running etc. On sports day the winning color is announced I pray that my house Julius Nyerere wins.
My name is Wandera Jordan Keith . I am in primary six at St. Catherine Junior School. We have sports,mainly ball games like football , netball ,volleyball , table tennis and basketball .In addition to that , we also play board games e.g chess ,scrabble , snakes and ladders ,ludo ,draughts etc.
I play football and basketball also chess . At School ,during sports activities ,we have group participation like interhouse completions.
Our Coaches are fair ,there are available sport equipment, they show appreciation ,they host other schools and they have many sports that is why I love sports .Thank you.
My name are Kiberu Powell. l am primary six dove at St. Catherine Junior School we have sport s day every year in first team . we have games like football , athletics, basketball,netball ,chess etc. we participate in houses like Desmond Tutu ,Julius Nyerere ,Einstein Albert, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela . Lpray that Desmond Tutu wins because it is my house.